The Austro-Hungarian potential gives answers to a better understanding of Europe. “Austriahungary” served as a model to study and define Central Europe, which is at the same time key to understanding the European Union. “Austriahungary” serves as an argument in favor of a contemporary reading of the literature, as this may help understand hackneyed terms like civilization, nation or culture. “Austriahungary” also shows how the diversity of any territory can become its great potential. This website opens a line of investigation that must necessarily be continued in future researches. Obviously we must insist on the definition of a diverse and plural Austro-Hungarian Empire, far from nationalist visions. Indeed, if we learn from the Austro-Hungarian past, we must guide their study from the integrating diversity and not from the national bias. And this must also be the intention of the Europe described here. This website is thus an invitation to an extensible field study. However, this will be possible not only from the conclusions raised, but also extensible to other branches of knowledge. Especially with regard to European literature, obviously not forgetting the preceding, we cannot lose sight of what direction will take the current thinking in the future.